Wednesday, July 31, 2019

When the CEO’s Personal Crusade Drives Decisions

The DM Bicycle Company (DMBC) had finally found itself with record hitting orders however, Gino Duncan DMBC’s CEO made it a point in the company’s budget meeting that a majority of the expected revenues will be used for the company’s new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program focusing on Batten disease. This decision has been met with a lot of negative feedback from everyone in the company, they all believe that Gino wants to focus his CSR efforts on finding a cure for his daughter’s disease and that he does not have the company’s best interest in his actions.Carolyn Bridges, DM Bicycle Company’s HR director has to make it a point to set Gino straight. First and foremost, Carolyn needs to get more people on her side to be able to convince Gino but, considering that a number of employees from Jim Mitner, DMBC’s CFO to some of the front liners of the company, have the same concers. Carolyn, as the HR director she is in charge of e mployee morale, development and compensation should act as the spokesperson and representative of the workforce.She should confront Gino about how the employees feel about: (1) Gino prioritizing the budget on a CSR project to find a cure for his daughters disease which is backed up by his decision to set their current CSR program â€Å"Ride for Life†, a hard worked for program which had successfully raised employee morale and company public relations; on hold, (2) if participation in the new CSR will affect their evaluation and promotion, (3) and the scare of not having a CEO totally on board for the growth and benefit of the company.If left unattended the company might find employee morale falling and productivity down at a time the company needs a well-oiled workforce to meet the record rate demands it is currently faced with. Carolyn needs to make it a point that we keep employee morale high at this very critical transition point of the company.Moreover, Carolyn has to get others like Jim Miniter, DMBC’s CFO, and Gino’s close friend help come on her side to convince Gino that the company should prioritize improving the company’s financial position instead of spending it on noble causes because it has just gone through 3 tough years financially, they are in no position to spend most of its money in a CSR effort which will also give little gains to the company not like what â€Å"Ride for Life† has done for the DMBC.If all of the plans fail to convince Gino Carolyn should escalate the issue as the spokesperson of the workforce to the Board of Directors who have the power to overrule Gino’s decision in what should be the parameters of the company’s CSR they will implement. Moving forward, the CSR policies should not be for the CEO to decide but, something that is agreed upon by each department and agreed upon by the Board of Directors to make sure that we do not get into an issue of conflict of interest like thi s again.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Islam and Muslim Contact Unit

The term â€Å"Islamophobia† was first used in print in 1991 and was defined in the Runnymede Trust Report as â€Å"unfounded hostility towards Islam, and therefore fear or dislike of all or most Muslims. † The word has been coined because there is a new reality which needs naming — anti-Muslim prejudice has grown so considerably and so rapidly in recent years that a new item in the vocabulary is needed so that it can be identified and acted against. (Sajid 2005) The term â€Å"Islamophobia† was coined by way of analogy to â€Å"xenophobia†, which is a dislike or fear of people from other countries or of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.Some definitions suggest xenophobia as arising from irrationality or unreason; this can also be said for islamophobia. Islamophobia can be characterized by the belief that all or most Muslims are religious fanatics, have violent tendencies towards non- Muslims, and reject concepts such as equality, to lerance, and democracy. It is a new form of racism where Muslims, an ethno-religious group, are constructed as a race. A set of negative assumptions are made of the entire group to the detriment of members of that group.During the 1990s many sociologists and cultural essay writer toronto analysts observed a shift in racist ideas from ones based on skin color to ones based on notions of cultural superiority and otherness. (Sajid 2005) In Britain and other European or Western countries, Manifestations of anti-muslim hostility has been exemplified in many verbal as well as physical attacks on Muslims in public places and attacks on mosques and desecration of Muslim cemeteries. Before 9/11, in Western countries negative stereotypes and remarks in speeches by political leaders, implying that Muslims are less committed than others to democracy and the rule of law.There was a rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims in  London in 2010, these hate crimes were being encouraged by mainstream politicians and sections of the media, a study written by a former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officer, published January 26, 2010, says that attacks ranging from death threats and murder to persistent low-level assaults, such as spitting and name-calling, are in part whipped up by extremists and sections of mainstream society. Lambert headed Scotland Yard's Muslim contact unit, which helped improve relations between the police and Britain's Islamic communities.The study mentions no newspapers or writers by name, but alleges that the book Londonistan, by the Mail writer Melanie Phillips, played a part in triggering hate crimes. Londonistan is a book about the spread of  Islamism  in the  United Kingdom  over the past twenty years. When London was hit by suicide bombers in July 2005, the dirty little secret was finally out. Great Britain had been the European hub of Islamist extremism for more than a decade. Under the noses of British intelligence, a network of terrorists and their sympathizers had used Britain to plot, finance, recruit and train for atrocities in the United States and around the world.The scale of this activity was so large that exasperated European security agencies dubbed Britain's capital city Londonistan. (Phillips 2006). In Europe and in America as well, it can be seen in widespread and routine negative stereotyping in the media and everyday discourse in ways that would not be acceptable if the reference were, for example, to Jewish or black people. (Dodd 2010) Islamophobia is heightened by a number of contextual factors. One of these is the fact that a high proportion of refugees are Muslims.Demonization of refugees is therefore frequently a coded attack on Muslims, for the words â€Å"Muslim,† â€Å"asylum-seeker,† â€Å"refugee,† and â€Å"immigrant† become synonymous in the popular imagination. In this case, the common experiences of immigrant communities with unemployment, rejection, alienation and violence have combined with Islamophobia to make integration really difficult. This has led Muslim communities to suffer higher levels of unemployment, poor housing, poor health and higher levels of racially motivated violence than other communities. (sajid 2010).For example, in 2003, when the Home Office produced a poster about alleged deceit and dishonesty amongst people seeking asylum, it chose to illustrate its concerns by focusing on someone with a Muslim name. France has been wracked by tensions over its rapidly growing Muslim minority. Another example of this would France banning the wearing of Islamic veils and other face coverings earlier this year, claiming they were both degrading and a security risk. Belgium has passed similar legislation, and Switzerland banned the building of minarets, the tall spires which often stand next to mosques. Ghazi 2006) A large issue that fuels the fires in the battle against Islamophobia is the drawing of cartoons offending the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. More specifically, this issue began after 12  editorial cartoons, most of which  depicted  the Islamic  prophet  Muhammad, were published in the Danish  newspaper  Jyllands-Posten  on September 30, 2005. These Danish cartoonists targeted Muhammad as a way to attack the Muslims’ freedom of free speech and religion. In Muslim societies insulting Muhammad is the gravest of all crimes; also considered blasphemy and punishable by death.Unfortunately, some events that followed these insults toward Muhammad ended in multiple deaths. The Organization of the Islamic Conference has denounced calls for the death of the Danish cartoonists. The obvious denial of this request caused attacks on innocents and riots all over Europe. Some acts included bombing of Christians at church, burning of churches, slaughtering innocent children and other civilians, and one specific incident included killing innocent train passengers. Even before the Jyllan ds-Posten riots, there were plenty of anti-Muslim acts in Europe.One of which was the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn’s assassination in 2002 for his anti-Islamic views. He called Islam a â€Å"backward culture† and wanted to stop Muslim immigration. After his death his party made its debut in Parliament with a 17% seat share showing how popular he was at that time. Another example of Europe’s anti-Muslim views as well as the Islam’s’ intolerance for the belittling of their culture is the assassination of Theo van Gogh In 2004. Van Gogh directed a short movie called Submission which tried to highlight the role of women in Islam.While the movie came in for a lot of criticism, van Gogh was assassinated in the same year over the movie. Specifically, the fear of Muslims became more prevalent in the United States after the events that occurred on September 11, 2001. In order to study Muslim Americans’ framing in the news media after 9/11, it is impo rtant to focus on two specific periods; the first six-month period after the attacks and the period after the first anniversary of September 11. The two periods are very important because the news framework completely changed during these two episodes.In the first immediate six months after 9/11, the media representation was very positive, comprehensive, frequent and contextual. However, after the first anniversary of 9/11, the media coverage changed. It became very negative, stereotypical and exclusive. By the first anniversary of September 11, the portrayal of Muslim Americans in both print and cable news had completely shifted from the more frequent, positive, contextual,  thematic, descriptive and comprehensive coverage to a more frequent, negative, stereotypical,  episodic  and exclusive coverage.The share of reporting on Muslim Americans declined, hate crimes skyrocketed and the positive public perception of Muslims that was created in the immediate period after 9/11 dim inished. Eventually, this negative perception of Muslims manifested itself through anti-Islamic riots and hatred of Muslim Americans in upcoming years. (Amiri 2012) September 11, 2001, and the days that followed produced strong feelings amongst non-Muslims as well as among Muslims in Europe.When people feel powerless and frustrated they are prone to hit out with violent language: â€Å"You don't belong here,† or â€Å"Get out of my country now; England is for white civilized English people! † are examples of the kind of violent language that was used in e-mail messages to the Muslim Council of Britain immediately following the attacks. These messages are significant, for they expressed attitudes and perceptions that are widespread amongst non-Muslims and that are recurring components of Islamophobia. Allen 2002) While over in the western hemisphere, the American government was trying to ensure the Americans citizens of their safety. In the first few days following 9/11 there were multiple news cast questioning citizens, politicians, and government officials of what exactly went on that day. But what most Americans really wanted to know was whether or not they can be safe knowing that people of the same race and religion as the terrorists were walking the streets.Although there was fear struck into the hearts of American citizens, Americans were too decent to even consider lashing out on Muslim Americans. Not only that but American didn’t know even about their culture, religion, or race to hate them to extent that Europeans do. (Schwartz 2010). When it came time to get the point of views from the horse’s mouth, Muslim Americans were more frequently covered in the news and more often interviewed as sources than before the events of 9/11.They were given a chance to speak for themselves rather than the commentators talking on their behalf offering their views on certain issues relating to Muslim Americans. (Abid 2011) What changed the A merican view of Muslims altogether was the start of the wars in Afghanistan. Americans who were considered to be Islamophobes were completely against the idea of thousands of soldiers losing their life trying to fight for a faith that what President Bush calls â€Å"A religion based on peace, but hijacked by the terrorists. (Bari 2012) But Americans had an odd response to the anti-Muslim controversy they elected a president bearing an Islamic middle name, Barack Hussein Obama. This demonstrated that for their majority, Islamophobia was moot. Too few said so, but Americans seemed to have instinctively grasped certain truths: that Islam would not simply go away, they would not change their view, they could not be defeated in a direct confrontation and that moderate Muslims would be valuable allies in defeating radical Islam. (Schwartz 2010)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Suvey Unit 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Suvey Unit 1 - Essay Example Consequently, the HRM subject grew into a profession in the early 1920s. Moreover, human resource practices have transformed and organizations have assigned monetary value as well as respecting employees. The evolution of HRM creates a linkage between employee employer relationships along with strategic management as the focus (Aswathappa 5-22). The role of HR professional as strategic partners to senior leadership entails the formulation and implementation of strategies. They make senior leadership highly effective by supplying committed and competent human resources as well as aligning them with the organization’s resources. HR professionals orchestrate distinctive personalities, skills, motives and experiences of employees in facilitating interactions occurring within work teams. They also provide knowledge about the organization and tasks along with HRM goals, programmes and policies. Additionally, they create a suitable working environment and enhance the learning process among employees so as to improve performance (Aswathappa 38). The main specialty areas of HRM include employee and organizational development, employee relations, talent management, employee resourcing and, training and development. Employee development entails how value could be added to the organization and its employees whereas organizational development encompasses how skills could be obtained, developed and maintained needed by the organization both at present and in the future. Employee resourcing comprises how HR managers efficiently resource corporate strategies and the process of acquiring employees into the organization. Employee relations constitute processes, perceptions and institutions within the employer employee relationship (Connelly 13-23; Rowley and Jackson xix-xxxiii). HR generalist coordinates and administers programmes in all functional areas, advises line managers on HR matters and supervises the implementation of HR policies, as well as coordinating

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Art - Research Paper Example The different figures include Long, which is related to the Dragon; Feng Huang, which is related to the Phoenix; the Qilin, which connotes the Unicorn and Sun Hou Zi, referring to the Monkey King.1 The linguistic collection of terms has a similar interpretation in Japanese, Korean and traditional Vietnamese; it is a reflection of traditional as well as modern exchange of cultural formulations, forms and values. The symbolic â€Å"gateways† are references to the transition process for the Asian community into the new community, and is also a reflection of the social tradition of Spadina Avenue, where the situation used to refer to the displacement of a given culture replaced another, following the arrival of immigrant populations into the city. This paper is a review of Millie Chen’s â€Å"Gateway†, documenting its attributes, the information needed to understand the art work, the artist, the style used and the historical dimensions employed.2 The â€Å"Gateway† is a part of the Colonnade Pole, which is located along at the right side of Spadina Avenue I in Toronto. Starting 1997, the Gateway was identified as the landmark intersection of Chinatown at the Dundas and Spadian Streets – by the Toronto Transit Commission.3 One pair of the poles covered by the name â€Å"gateway† lie to the northern side of the intersection, and the other pair lies to its south. The dimensions of the two pairs of sculptures are six meters in height, 3 meters in length and 0.5 meters in breadth. The materials used for the construction of the different sculptures include steel, fiberglass, polyurethane foam and Endura. The sculpture by Millie Chen is composed of different casts made from fiber glass, showing four legendary creature, which are revered under Chinese and Asian mythology. The four figure forms curved out include a dragon, a phoenix, a Unicorn and a Monkey King, together with the 20 poles used as markers in spell ing out the Chinese inscriptions for the

Maad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Maad - Essay Example 2. Rather than engaging with the story of Jonah in the literal sense, early Christians, as exhibited in the New Testament books of Matthew and Luke, understood the story of Jonah to be typological. In this way, Jonah represented a type of â€Å"Christ† which was in the belly of the whale for a period of 3 days just as Christ was in the belly of the earth, the grave, for a total period of 3 days time. A further identification with the story of Jonah is the way in which Christ himself compared his earthly ministry and the generation he witnessed to as similar to that of the inhabitants of Nineveh. This typification was carried out in a number of ways and was a means whereby the early Christians were able to coalesce the story of the Messiah with the Old Testament typifications that are so prevalent throughout Judaism. 3. With regards to the means by which early Christians interpreted the story of Isaac and Abraham in the Old Testament, this too was similar to the typification th at has been briefly discussed in question 2 with relation to the early Christian interpretation of Jonah. ... 4. The distinctive features of the gospels can be inferred as something of the differing levels of approach that each provides with relation to understanding a further nuance of Christ’s earthly ministry. As such, each of these stands as a means of providing a more complete picture of Christ’s earthly ministry by casting it Him as a Savior, a Servant, a Son of God, and the Son of Man. These features were useful for the early Christian movement to develop a full and nuanced interpretation of Christ rather than a one-dimensional approach which had so often been elaborated upon in the Old Testament. 5. The key differential that exists within theology and the understanding and application of historical truth versus mathematical truth relates to the means by which the believer seeks to integrate a more full and complete understanding of the way in which past experience and certain events of the Old Testament can or should be quantified or understood within the historical con text that they were originally written to integrate with. As with any form of theological form of understanding this is concentric upon trying to utilize a new approach to what can be considered a historical context. 6. The most powerful reason for this historical approach to the fact that many Christians believe the Christ physically rose from the dead on Easter Sunday is most closely related to the fact that the Passover and the feasts associated with it can descernably be linked to a specific date and time. As such, the early Christian tradition of Easter Sunday as emblematic of the day in which Christ rose from the dead is much more than adherence to blind tradition; rather it is a marker that can firmly and rationally be defined as a set point in time that is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Qualitative Interviewing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Qualitative Interviewing - Essay Example The sample for the interview would be a neighbourhood man of 24 years, UK citizen, working in the US, who is an ardent Arsenal Football Club fan and enthusiast, a regular EPL follower for last 15 years, since childhood. The qualitative interview would be conducted in view of the Qualitative perceptions of the Sample about the various European Football leagues in comparison to the EPL or the one branded as the Barclays Premier league. The recommendations received along with feedback would be used as primary data for the research in view of the Qualitative Interviewing techniques and mechanisms. Qualitative interviews had been a part of education in various nations across the globe to have an idea about the perceptions and feelings of one who is interviewed to further do necessary assessments for records 1. The qualitative processes in research is dependent upon the knowledge of the interviewee along with the knowledge of the interviewer about the way the questions are framed to get the desired point of view necessary for the research purpose 1. Again, qualitative interview gives an idea about the intrinsic values of a user about a product and its benefits which are not qualitatively depicted but perceptions those can only be felt. Again, 2 qualitative interviews are a part of ethnography where the imaginations of one is interpreted based on sociological perspectives 2. For an example, the person interviewed here cannot quantify his enthusiasm for the game but can obviously express about what and how the league is qualitatively different from another similar league in perspective point of view. Interview however has its own structure in making that may be formal or semi formal, in accordance to the seriousness of the subject and such various other factors. The interview would be conducted in a semi structured manner where the social aspect of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Take Ways from Leadership Skills Speech or Presentation

Take Ways from Leadership Skills - Speech or Presentation Example A concluding portion would highlight relevant concepts and lessons learned from the essay. Take ways from Leadership Skills Leadership is an important component in the existence, survival and functioning of any group or organization. Many organizations have been aware of the fact that their success is greatly dependent upon the quality and effectiveness of this dimension. As an organization grows in size and complexity, the requirements for an efficient and effective leadership multiply. In this regard, the essay aims to define leadership using one’s own words and to indicate what components or elements are involved in leadership. Further, the discourse would describe the different leadership theories in simple words. In conjunction with the discussion of the leadership theories, one would present a theoretical application in one’s workplace (convenience store) through the provision of an example. Finally, one’s personal view on the best leadership skills and a d escription of the follower's role in leadership process would be proffered. A concluding portion would highlight relevant concepts and lessons learned from the essay. Definition of Leadership The term ‘leadership’ has received various definitions and explanations depending on the perceptions, experiences and understandings of those who discuss it. One’s personal definition of leadership sees it as an act or behavior manifested by a person possessing qualities and traits that enable that person to influence others into achieving a well defined goal. At the simplest, leadership have three key elements: leader, followers and the situation (Martires & Fule, 2004). To determine what leadership involves, one must take into consideration various points of views. From the view point of the leader, there are skills and traits that are commonly manifested and exemplified by leaders. According to Martires & Fule (2004), leadership is at once personal, interpersonal, and sit uational. But it can be viewed from one perspective at a time. At the personal level, traits and skills are highlighted. At the interpersonal level, style comes to the fore. Finally, at the situational level, the contingent nature of leadership manifests itself. Murray Ross and Charles Hendry drew a personality profile of effective leaders from many tests conducted to identify leadership traits. In general, they found that effective leaders have attibutes as follows: (1) self-confident, well-integrated, and emotionally stable; (2) warm, sensitive, and sympathetic toward other people and give practical, helpful suggestions; (3) intelligent in relation to the gorup members; (4) identify with the goals and values of the groups they lead; (5) want to take leadership responsibility and are competent in handling new situations; (6) can be relied on to perform leadership functions consistently; and (7) in elected or public positions, usually possess more enthusiasm and capacity for express ion than other types of leaders (Ross & Hendry, 1957). On the other hand, various skills are exhibited by leaders as essentially described by Henry Mitzberg, to wit: (1) skills of introspection; (2) entrepreneurial skills; (3) conflict-resolution skills; (4) peer skills; (5) information-processing skills; (6) skills in unstructured decision-making; and (7) resourse generation and allocation skills (Mitzberg, 1973). Leadership Theories There are diverse leadership theories that evolved through the years

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Judah ben Samuel Halevi Achievements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Judah ben Samuel Halevi Achievements - Essay Example The traditional norms and values of Judaism, which were largely based on religious conceptions, were philosophized by the works of Halevi. With reference to this, his contributions to Judaism have been influential in terms of its history and culture. The emergence of Judah ben Samuel Halevi as an intellectual contributor to Judaism has been discussed in the essay. This must be considered along with the historical fact that sustenance of Jewish tradition in a religiously repressive environment had been challenging. The philosophy of Halevi has influenced a lot in this regard. The objective of this essay is to critically analyze the role of Judah ben Samuel Halevi in Jewish history and culture. Judah Halevi moved to Spain to pursue the career of a physician. His early years in Spain were a tribute to the Jewish culture. It was a period which saw perseverance of the Jews in maintaining their culture and beliefs. Popkin has referred to the Jewish life in this period as fragile (177). The re were continued Christian efforts made during this period to reinstate the dominance they had in Southern Spain. However, this was continually contested by the relentless Muslim Almoravid’s efforts to retain their sovereignty. The representation of this resistance in Halevi’s poetry gained recognition among the Jews. ... His prose were perceived well and accepted by the Jewish community as it reflected the Jewish desire for being with God and the passion to return to Zion, the Promised Land. (Popkin 177). He has been referred to as one of the first major thinkers in Muslim Spain. Another Jewish philosopher who lived in Muslim Spain in the same period was Neo-Platonist Solomon ibn Gabirol (Popkin 177). The contribution of Judah ben Samuel Halevi, which became a major milestone in the history of Jews, came in the last decade of his life. In this period, he wrote the prose titled, ‘Book of the Khazars’. This book is known for its intellectual and philosophical content on Judaism. With reference to the Jewish culture, this work from then onwards has served as the religious and philosophical framework for Judaism. Moreover, it could address the philosophical challenges that Judaism faced as a culture and religion at this period of time. This must be read together with the fact that this prose was written in a period when the Jews were striving for an intellectual backing due to the acute pressure from Christianity. This book was persuasive in nature and could successfully bind the Jews together in their traditions and norms. It urged the readers to prioritize their social systems in the order of the mandates as set by their ancestral traditions (Popkin 177). Judah ben Samuel Halevi’s literature became even more influential as he himself set an example by following the philosophical call of change that he made through Book of the Khazars. In the year 1140, he abandoned his personal luxuries that he had in Spain and set out for Egypt, the holy land. This exemplary act along with his philosophies bound Jews together as a culture and religion. Thus, his

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Cask of Amontillado Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Cask of Amontillado - Essay Example The narrator aptly uses this weakness of Fortunato to lure him into his evil plot for revenge and retribution. Poe effectively illustrates the theme of confinement leading to death through the repeated use of wine, specifically Amontillado, symbolizing entrapment and doom. The mention of wine in the very beginning of the story is symbolic of the narrator’s evil motives of enticing and trapping Fortunato. The narrator is keenly aware of the fact that Fortunato isn’t serious about anything except Italian vintages because â€Å"he pride[s] himself on his connoisseurship in wine† (Poe). He subtly lures Fortunato into his trap by arousing his curiosity and evoking his pride. For example, the narrator tells him that he has bought the full Amontillado without asking him first but will now consult Luchesi, Fortunato’s supposed competitor, about it. The half drunken Fortunato is immediately intrigued, setting the plot in motion and preparing the road to his own entrapment. After tantalizingly repeating the words Amontillado several times, Fortunato himself mentions going into the narrator’s vaults to taste the prized wine. His intoxicated mind further enraged by pride, is unwilling to recognize the deception and danger he is e nsnaring himself in. The stage is now set for their journey underground, into the bowels of the Montresors’s tomb where death eventually awaits Fortunato. Once they start traveling to the vaults, Poe again employs the use of wine to further illustrate the idea of confinement. As the two travel deeper into the tomb, the nitre â€Å"hang[ing] like moss upon the vaults† and the dampness rampage Fortunato with frequent coughs. Already confined in the dark passageway of the catacomb and dependent on the narrator to guide him, he resorts to drinking Medoc to alleviate the coughing. This not only helps to clear his throat but also increases his resolve to reach the Amontillado. Fortunato does not realize that such determination is actually leading him to trap himself further. For, each step he now takes is bringing him closer to his ultimate confinement and death. Also, as they travel, Poe repeatedly refers to Fortunato’s drunken eyes symbolizing not only his physical entrapment within the vault but also the intoxicating dullness and confinement of his mind. For example, Fortunato looks at the narrator â€Å"with two filmy orbs that distill the rheum of intoxication†. Again after going down a little more into the crypt, he asks for some more wine, this time gulping down the entire flagon of De Grave making â€Å"his eyes flash with a fierce light†. His mind has become senseless and trapped, only thinking of the cherished Amontillado lying somewhere in the recesses of the tomb drawing and luring him closer to his demise. Finally, as they arrive at the end of the crypt lined with human bones and succumbed in darkness, Fortuno’s desire for Amontillado results in his final entrapment and doom. Anyone in their right mind would take one look at the sight of death and decay and run from there, seeking the freshness of the air and life above. Poe meticulously describes the recess prepared by the narrator having a â€Å"depth about four feet, in width three, in height six or seven†. This image is nothing less than a grave. Even the flaming torch’s attempt to shine a light in to th e darkness is feeble, but Fortunato persists forward, drawn by the thought of the Amontillado. As he sets his foot into the prepared tomb, Fortunato seals his fate and traps

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International business news Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

International business news - Article Example ees of business organizations of Quebec, was quoted to state that: â€Å"businesses and workers in key Quebec industries—including fish and seafood, maple products, pork, aluminum and wood products—are counting on this agreement to expand their presence in the lucrative EU market. Furthermore, Quebec’s world-leading expertise in sectors such as engineering and infrastructure will benefit greatly from preferred access to the EU’s $2.3 trillion procurement market† (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada , 2012, par. 2). The other benefits that were noted include increasing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP); increasing job opportunities and employment; a boost in bilateral trade and overall improvement of the Canadian economy. The robust growth in Canadian economy was apparently stirred by free trade agreements with nine countries for the last six years. The list of countries that were reported to have had free trade agreements with Canada are as follows: â€Å"Colombia; Jordan; Panama; Peru; the European Free Trade Association states of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland; and, most recently, Honduras† (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada , 2012, par. 7). Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada . (2012, March 16). Minister Fast Highlights Benefits of a Canada- European Union Trade Agreement for Quebec Workers and Businesses. Retrieved March 21, 2012, from

Cyberstalking Case Study Paper Essay Example for Free

Cyberstalking Case Study Paper Essay In, People of the State of California (Plaintiff) v. George Samuel Bronk (Defendant), the defendant used various software, tools, and methods to commit the felonies for which he was charged. He initially used a computer with access to the Internet to take over the email accounts of individuals who he located using the popular social media website, Facebook. Mr. Bronk located his victims by searching random Facebook profiles that had personal email addresses available to the public. Once he had the email addresses he tried to access emails accounts, by attempting to reset the passwords for said email accounts, by guessing at the security questions. Once he was able to gain access to the emails accounts, he went back to the Facebook profiles and took over the Facebook profiles as well. Mr. Bronk utilized various online email service providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo. The victims each had respective accounts with these email service providers which were overtaken by Mr. Bronk, using the methods described above. Mr. Bronk also used Microsoft Office Outlook in the commission of his crimes. Besides the cyberstalking, investigators also found evidence of extortion and pornography on Mr. Bronks computer hard disk storage drives. Along with these counts, Mr. Bronk is also charged with the possession of child pornography. The defendant used a computer and access to the Internet to gain unauthorized access to an online chatting forum in which blackmailed a victim into sending him nude photographs and videos of herself. Mr. Bronk also had on his computer storage devices child pornographic materials such as photographs and videos. The defendant gained access to this material with the use of his computer and a connection to the Internet. Investigators were notified when a victim reported that her email and Facebook accounts had been hijacked and inappropriate messages sent to her entire contact list, in Connecticut. When an Ex-parte motion was filed for the IP address of the computer device that was used to target the victim in Connecticut, it was found that the IP address subscriber information came back to a California address. This is when a large scale investigation was started and multiple victims were discovered. Upon further investigation the details of how the defendant carried out the crimes and other crimes unrelated to cyberstalking, such as extortion and possession of child pornography were committed by the defendant.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Organizational Culture Analysis Essay Example for Free

Organizational Culture Analysis Essay Each organization has a different culture. The culture can help shape how an organization functions and has the potential to set it apart from the competition. There are three levels to culture: observable artifacts, espoused values, and enacted values (Baack, 2012). Each level plays a different part within an organization. State Farm Insurance is the larges mutual property and casualty insurance carrier in the United States. The company was founded over 90 years ago and has had plenty of time to develop their layers of culture. Observable artifacts are the outward viewable signs of an organization. Observable artifacts are viewed not only by the employees of the company but also by outsiders. State Farm has a various artifacts. The company has a recognizable logo and slogan, â€Å"Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there†. These have artifacts are recognizable in most households. On an internal level, yearly there are ceremonies that the company conducts to reinforce the feeling of family. Yearly the company holds Christmas in the Atrium where Santa comes for all of the employees and their families to visit. Annual Easter parties and Founder’s Day celebrations also encourage the neighborly atmosphere, keeping in line with the slogan. According to Baack (2012), espoused values are aspirational opposed to the actual outcome. The values set forth by the company are to act as a guide but are not always achievable. State Farm includes its values within the mission statement, â€Å"†¦quality service and relationships, mutual trust, integrity and financial strength† (State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2013). The most recent value set by the company is to be remarkable. Employees not only need to strive to give remarkable service to the agents and the policyholders but also be remarkable in the interactions with fellow employees. The idea of providing remarkable service guides how employees are to work everyday. It defines the product being sold and the interaction with policyholders. The last layer of culture is enacted values. These values are the actual behaviors exhibited by the employees. Rick Darby of Safety Culture (2012) stated, â€Å"the enacted values of an organization†¦may be at a considerable distance from those proclaimed in official statements and public relations material†. In the case of State Farm and being â€Å"remarkable†, employees are having a hard time providing the remarkable service. Slow systems, being short handed, and a disconnect between operation employees and agents, contribute to less than remarkable service. These enacted values differ from what the company would like but not much has been done to rectify the situation. Darby (2012) believed if a great gap was found between enacted values of the employees and the espoused values of upper management, there could be confusion and dissatisfaction. The dissatisfaction found in employees can start to alter the observable artifacts of the company. The recognition of State Farm for being an admired company will stop being awarded if management does not address the enacted value of its employees. The three levels of culture contribute to how an organization is presented to the public. Observable artifacts, espoused values, and enacted values all supply a foundation for the organization’s culture. The culture of the organization is part of what defines their success and growth. State Farm is known as the good neighbor company but needs to address the enacted values of the employees in order to provide the remarkable experience it is striving for. References Baack, D. (2012). Organizational Behavior. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Darby, R. (2012, April). Pyramid Building. Safety Culture , pp. 52-55. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. (2013). State Farm. Retrieved February 25, 2013, from State Farm web site:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Apples Competitive Advantage

Apples Competitive Advantage Apples since its inauguration brought an easy to use computers to the market. So that users would not face any problems while using Apple products. Apple practiced horizontal as well as vertical integration. Apple relied on its own designs and refused to authorize its hardware to third parties. Apple used superior software which made help them to grebe the market share. Apple offered a complete package of desktop solution which includes hardware, software and other things. Apple always used typical design for its products. In the era of Spindlers (1993-1996), he opt the strategy to expand Apple products to international market. Apples competitive advantage are its control of software, Hardware, retail strategy, product differentiation and most important one is Steve Jobs strategically decision making. For the distribution system, Apple launched a website for direct sales for the first time. Apple also spent more money on its Research and Development. Apples current competitive advantages can be linked to its initial competitive advantage because users now-a-days value the user experience just like when Mac was initially introduced (Bajg, 2012). Personal Computer Industry and dynamics IBM brought PCs into mainstream in 1980s. Microsoft and Intel products dominated the personal computer industry and more people owned their personal computer. Overall industry continued to boom through early 2000s. In 2000 and on wards PCs were very fast, have more memory and storage. But the prices of PCs continuously dropped. As a result, PC manufacturers average profit margin fell down. New PC emerged as well. Also more expensive laptops gained the attraction of the market. But as the price of PCs fell down, their sales volume increased. As there is expansion of growth so competition in the market also increased (Rich, 2012). Due to the increase in competition, prices of the products fell down and it provided consumers with more options. There are five categories of Pc buyers: Home, Small and medium sized business, government and corporate education. The biggest segment is represented by home consumers. There are four main vendors of PC: HP, Dell, Acer and Lenovo. There are two types of suppliers; one who make product with many sources and other make products such as microprocessors and operating system (Aquino, 2012). By viewing the PC industry it can be said that dynamics are very favorable for the Apple. There are good signs for Apple due to certain reasons. Competition is very high in today era and every company wants to provide best products or services so that customer can be retain. Mostly top four vendors are dealing with desktops and laptops. The preferred personal computers may no longer take the form of a desktop or laptop. Indeed a portion of the personal computer industry has already shifted their preference from a desktop or a laptop to a tablet or iPaD. There are many reasons for this change, including convenience and mobility. So there is chance for Apple to come up with new products and capture the market (Rich, 2012). Apple competitive position in Personal Computers Since its inception, Apples mission is to bring as easy-to-use computer, difference in design elegance to market. Apple also practiced horizontal and vertical integration instead of open system. It relied only o its own designs ad also rejected to license its hardware to the third parties. When Sculleys was the CEO during 1985-1993, Apple targeted low cost computer. Apple also made an alliance with IBM for OS development on Intel platform, but that ended without any result. One of the Apple main strength is to offer its customers a complete desktop solution; which is simply Plug and Play. Apple target market is now increasing. Because people want convenience and they need products which are easy in use (Bajg, 2012). The creation of Mac boasted Apple sales. And Mac customers allowed Apple to sell its products at a premium price. During 1993-1996 Splinder made the strategy to expand Apple to international market but it did not help Apple in long term. Steve Job took over as CEO in 1997 and restructured company on the original strategy. Jobs also launched a website for direct sale and also he increased its spending on RD to get further knowledge about the products. Exhibit 3 shows Apples worldwide PC market share from 1980-2009. In 1980 Apple has the very high market share. But with the passage of time its market share started to decline. And during 1994 market share fell down substantially. When Steve Jobs joined the company again it started to increase gradually. Now Apple is gaining market share slowly (Rich, 2012). Apples Competitive positioning in MP3 players Ipod set Apple on the high growth path. Initially iPod was the portable digital music Players based on the Mp3 standard. It has very good design, large storage and a simple user interface. Early MP3 players only stored hour music, can stored up to 1000 songs. But with the passage of time Apple launched new and innovative design one after another. In 2010, Apple has more than 70% of the MP3 market share. Gross margin for IPod is around 40% in 2007. The cost of main component is flash memory which is more than half of the billing material. In MP3 market there are very less competitors for Apple so it will easy o gain more market share for Apple. So in MP3 market Apple performance is very good and it is increasing as Apple delivers innovative designs which are very attractive to the customers (Aquino, 2012). Apple Competitive position in Smart Phones Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone and smart phone industry began. Apple smart phone Market share is high. More than 2 billion applications have been downloaded from the Apple iphone App Store. Apple mission is that iPhone gets better with every new app. Apple has just great job of continuously improving the iPhone with new features and capabilities. Also Steve Job did excellently with I Tunes and iPod. And now he is doing it with it iPhones. Apple iPhone created a new class of phone. Apple invented the market and other mobile device maker is chasing Apple. The main competitors of Apple are Google Android, Nokia and Blackberry. Apple provides the best services in iPhones (Bajg, 2012). iPad and new iPad mini iPad is the mixture produced by Apple after lending iPhone and iPod technology. iPad is the best way to experience the web. It has revolutionized traditional ways of surfing the internet. It views whole pages in portrait or landscape on the screen of large multi-touch. Its also deals with checking e-mail and sending email as well. It is also worlds largest cookbook. Storage of iPad is very great and also it has large display. It is also easy to access different books from iPad. iPad is use in businesses, education, health and consumer usage. So iPad is very useful in different areas. And its demand will be increasing in next days. As now a days consumer wants more convenience and mobility (Aquino, 2012). According to Rich (2012) iPad mini is a another amazing product launched by Apple. It has a smaller screen as compared to iPad. iPad is cheaper than iPad. Nd the reason for its cheapness is that it has no retina display. iPad mini is lighter and thinner than iPad. Also it has less powerful processor and it uses a nano SIM. It has fewer functions than iPad. But due to its size and thickness it is very easy to keep in the pocket. In future it will be very helpful for the people to some extent.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Employment Letter :: essays research papers

Employment Letter To Whom It May Concern On the light of your announcement at the AUB careers and placement office I read with interest your Ad for the position of Sr Store Supervisor. I am applying for the position as I believe it offers challenges and responsibilities and as I believe it matches my qualifications and my education on professional basis. I am an undergraduate of the American University of Beirut majoring in Business Administration. I will earn my degree in June 2004 and currently seeking an acceptable position that allows me to develop and explore my skills, furthermore to learn and excel in my position in the right direction.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout my years of education at the American University of Beirut, I have participated in several projects (mainly Strategic Management and Marketing) and I went through the condensed educational environment of AUB which pushed me to work through several teams, moreover, to experience their value and to become an active team player. In addition to that, I learned to apply my theoretical skills into practical functional ideas which contributed in broadening my creativity and developing my analytical, conceptual and organizational skills. I also learned how to manage my time and finish on due dates which enabled me to deal with stressful situations and develop my sense of responsibility. Besides that, the multicultural aspect that represents AUB exposed me to different backgrounds and cultures which entitles me to cope and integrate with a large cultural and educational base especially with my linguistic capabilities(fluent in English, French and Arabic). In addition to that, through my internship assignment and especially throughout my interactions with employees and customers, I’ve been given the opportunity to strengthen my confidence in my interrelation personal skills and my capabilities and to learn more about customer’s behaviors and expectations and new â€Å"group work† issues, which also affected my motivation level. Employment Letter :: essays research papers Employment Letter To Whom It May Concern On the light of your announcement at the AUB careers and placement office I read with interest your Ad for the position of Sr Store Supervisor. I am applying for the position as I believe it offers challenges and responsibilities and as I believe it matches my qualifications and my education on professional basis. I am an undergraduate of the American University of Beirut majoring in Business Administration. I will earn my degree in June 2004 and currently seeking an acceptable position that allows me to develop and explore my skills, furthermore to learn and excel in my position in the right direction.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout my years of education at the American University of Beirut, I have participated in several projects (mainly Strategic Management and Marketing) and I went through the condensed educational environment of AUB which pushed me to work through several teams, moreover, to experience their value and to become an active team player. In addition to that, I learned to apply my theoretical skills into practical functional ideas which contributed in broadening my creativity and developing my analytical, conceptual and organizational skills. I also learned how to manage my time and finish on due dates which enabled me to deal with stressful situations and develop my sense of responsibility. Besides that, the multicultural aspect that represents AUB exposed me to different backgrounds and cultures which entitles me to cope and integrate with a large cultural and educational base especially with my linguistic capabilities(fluent in English, French and Arabic). In addition to that, through my internship assignment and especially throughout my interactions with employees and customers, I’ve been given the opportunity to strengthen my confidence in my interrelation personal skills and my capabilities and to learn more about customer’s behaviors and expectations and new â€Å"group work† issues, which also affected my motivation level.

Hobbes View of Human Nature and his Vision of Government :: Philosophy essays

Hobbes' View of Human Nature and his Vision of Government    In The Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes talks about his views of human nature and describes his vision of the ideal government which is best suited to his views.      Hobbes believed that human beings naturally desire the power to live well and that they will never be satisfied with the power they have without acquiring more power.   After this, he believes, there usually succeeds a new desire such as fame and glory, ease and sensual pleasure or admiration from others.   He also believed that all people are created equally.   That everyone is equally capable of killing each other because although one man may be stronger than another, the weaker may be compensated for by his intellect or some other individual aspect. Hobbes believed that the nature of humanity leads people to seek power.   He said that when two or more people want the same thing, they become enemies and attempt to destroy each other.   He called this time when men oppose each other war.   He said that there were three basic causes for war, competition, distrust and glory.   In each of these cases, men use violence to invade their enemies territory either for their per sonal gain, their safety or for glory.   He said that without a common power to unite the people, they would be in a war of every man against every man as long as the will to fight is known.   He believed that this state of war was the natural state of human beings and that harmony among human beings is artificial because it is based on an agreement.   If a group of people had something in common such as a common interest or a common goal, they would not be at war and united they would be more powerful against those who would seek to destroy them.   One thing he noted that was consistent in all men was their interest in self-preservation.    Hobbes view of human nature lead him to develop his vision of an ideal government.   He believed that a common power was required to keep men united.   This power would work to maintain the artificial harmony among the people as well as protect them from foreign enemies.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lansdowne Hermes :: Art Analysis

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sculpture is a medium that artists in ancient Greek commonly used to express spoken truths in an unspoken form. Every piece of ancient Greek sculpture has more than what the eye sees to explain the story behind the [in this case] marble.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Viewing the Lansdowne Hermes with a naked eye and what you will see is a larger than life-size statue depicting a man with an ideal body leaning with the majority of his weight on his right foot. His right arm is resting on his right buttock in an almost effortless pose. The left side of his body tells a different story. His left foot has barely any weight on it, and his left arm is supporting a pretty large portion of cloth wrapped so it perfectly wraps around the shoulder and rests just above the wrist. It appears that he was at one time holding some sort of sword or stick. To the naked eye that is what this sculpture seems to be, accepting a sculpture as a piece of art. Glancing at the Lansdowne Hermes you can appreciate beauty of art for beauty of art. However the sculptor had much more in mind when he created this figure from a large unscathed piece of marble. Looking deeper into the statue a trained (or imaginative) eye can see more than what is just given at a glance. The pose given by Hermes is the classical pose of contraposto. Contraposto is a pose developed where the majority of the weight is placed on one leg and the other leg in a relaxed with relatively no weight on it in a position that can both be relaxed and ready to jump to action in the same resting position. The virtually unnoticed half palm tree that Hermes is resting against gives a divine character an almost mortal because of the necessity of support on an earthly object. In the pose where the presence of strength and anticipation of a move, there is also the presence of a mortal presence. The balance of the counter limb activity is present in the contraposto stance expressing a certain diagonal symmetry. In the Lansdowne Hermes both the right arm and the left leg are in the resting position awaiting the next motion. The right arm is resting on the right buttock anticipat ing some sort of motion or action to be carried out by the seemingly dormant arm.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Recover from Drug Addiction: Process vs Event Essay

Picking up the broken pieces of a life filled with insanity and drug abuse, is no overnight task. I’m not just talking of the heroin addict in the 1960s. Recovery from addiction takes constant specialized care. Through intensive work, the addiction can be arrested. The process starts with the person admitting they have a problem. This is the first step to begin to recover. Most importantly, continued involvement with self- help groups is essential. These actions are only a beginning of a life- long journey. Pain medications prescribed by doctors is adding to a problem that already exists. Cares, Council on Addiction Recovery and Educational Services , is aware of the ongoing problem. Potent opiate based pills, derived from the poppy plant, are highly addicting. Hydrocodone, Oxycodone and Lora Tab all contain opiates. The three mentioned are more addicting, readily available than other street drugs (heroin, cocaine, marijuana, methafedimine or hallucigens. ) After listening to many of these addicts in the rooms of NA (Narcotics Anonymous) I’ve gained a better understanding of the extensive problem that exists. My drug of choices were Alcohol, marijuana, ocaine and hallucigens. The society we live in today has more of a variety of mood changing and mind altering chemicals. ( ecstasy, crack cocaine, angel dust, formaldehyde, etc. ) Our youth and our elderly are at risk of being controlled by the stereotypes of taking these highly toxic chemicals as treatment. There is a false sense of security being influenced so the pharmaceutical companies and their stock holders can get rich. Preservation of life has fallen short for greed, personal status and the attitude of irrational beliefs. The damage being done will take years for those so reliant on a pill to overcome. The average recovering addict is not only the old school heroin junkies but school teachers; teenagers, elderly, professionals, businessman and pillars of our communities. Most importantly this epidemic has affected religious sectors of our cities, towns and villages throughout the world. I don’t know how many times I’ve browsed through the newspaper or watched television and seen skits on priests, pastors and ministers caught in active addiction. Recovery is an ongoing process, we don’t graduate from treatment. The best known treatment for chemical dependency has been proven to work in the rooms of NA; through the 12 steps, the fellowship and service work. Some of us who have been guided by a greater consciousness by our groups are fortunate. Many addicts never find NA or shrug off the help when presented, as a result end up in jails, institutions, dereliction and death. NA is recovery in action, focusing on treating the disease of addiction. Those affiliated with NA; that have recovered from a hopeless state of mind nd body, have a singleness of purpose, to carry the message to addict who still suffers. Throughout all continents; many families, friends, relatives are uneducated, misinformed on how insidious this disease is and how true recovery works. Recovery is a journey not a 30 day rehab and you’re cured. Rehabs only give the addict time to dry out in a drug-free safe environment, keep drugs out of reach and some basic information on what action to take upon leaving. The real treatment begins with continued participation in a support group such as NA. The saying in NA is â€Å"you never have to be lone again†. The work within the 12 steps of NA is what treats the disease of addiction. Honesty, Acceptance, forgiveness, humility, and responsibility are the stepping stones to designing a new life. The new lifestyle you developed while working through the 12 steps and applying them in your life brings freedom from active addiction. Addicts will always have the disease of addiction, they say in NA â€Å"you can’t change a pickle back into a cucumber†. The action taken in the 12 steps creates new Attitudes. Whereas the addict obtains the skills and knowledge to become a productive member of ociety. All these facts can be found in the Basic Text of NA, and are the basis of recovery. The statements in the preceding paragraphs are facts based on experience. There is nothing more powerful than the experience of the predecessors in NA, other than god himself. As one addict helping another is without parallel, we do recover. NA as a whole is guided by a god consciousness . Unity between groups holds the program together. With the 12 Steps, the 12 Traditions at the center. The Traditions are the ties that bind us together, it is only through understanding and application they work. They are the principles that keep our fellowship alive and free. The guidelines written within the Traditions help the members of NA grow spiritually. Addiction is such a cunning enemy of life that we alone have lost the power to do anything about it, without help from each other it would be too much for us. Narcotics Anonymous has websites with information about meetings established in every country worldwide. Getting involved with service within the fellowship will give the addict tools to help stay clean as well as people skills to be productive in society. For many addicts addiction leads into isolation, so as not to be discovered or arrested. Service offers more than just a life without using drugs, it offers a new path to freedom and a sense of belonging. The positions that NA offers doesn’t stop at the group level, service continues into Area, Regional and World Service (Chairperson, Vice Chair, RCM, Literature, Treasurer, NA Hotline-Phone, Delegates and Alternates. ) The World Service board controls the printing of books, literature, key tags and many other services needed to keep NA functioning in a Productive anonymous manner. I know a few people in the area I live in who have been all over the world speaking at conventions which was paid for by World Services. They have experienced the unlimited growth that NA has to offer. They told me it was the most invigorating chance to carry the message of hope into another addict’s life. There are members I know that have 30 plus years in recovery that say there is always something new to learn. The journey in NA has no boundaries and is open to any man or woman who seeks it. Recovery from active addiction is a process not an event.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Our Experience as Teachers of ILEC Essay

We argon Mauricio Munoz (a teacher) and Adela Perez del Viso (a lawyer and trainee teacher), the two efficacious slope teachers at the Colegio de Abogados de San Luis, the San Luis (Argentina) Bar Association. My base of teaching Legal English started in 1998 when I took a frame at an Academy (located on Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, U. K. ). My teacher was, by then, Mr. Brian Catlow. The channelizers made us vi drive unlike courtrooms in Cambridge and in London. It was fascinating.Afterwards, I got to cut about the ILEC mental testing, which was a huge academician improvement now we had a point for these studies, a method, a set of contents, a book (and now more than a book), etc. I sat for the Ilec exam in 2009, after two realize years of hard speculate. Now we organize these courses at the Bar Association, and we know that scarce few students will come and interference those who have a very dandy command of the language, and at the same cartridge clip those who are k een on the sound field. During this year we organized two modules the first of solely one, based on General Principles and Contracts. with all the units associate to Contracts) the second module, devoted to fraternity Law (3 units) plus Labour/ utilization Law.The decision to divide the whole course in 3 or 4 modules have allowed us to set some addresss which seem to be non so far in succession at the same time, it allows other students (who have not started with the original group) to join us, for instance, at the second module. We organize every class with the clobber presented by the Ilec book, along with videos resumen from the internet, movies, trailers (in this sense, toilet Grisham? books, movies and trailers are kinda a good), some University classes that erect be retrieved from the internet (for instance, some classes from American universities, related to Contracts), etc.Only when time presses, we consummation on the ILEC book alone, which is quite a complet e. Next year we are supply to acquire the new edition of the ILEC/ TRANSLEGAL/ C. U. P. book, with the foretaste that it will present new solid to practice with our students. One thing that is quite important, as always when training for whatsoever international exam, is to teach strategies to cope with the requirements of the different papers.We explain every one of the papers, and practice them with the students, so as they do not feel out of place whenever they sit for the final exam, in the futurity. Our students are quite committed, even though most of them are lawyers and have a lot of work to do. One of our students comes every time from a place located 140 km from our centre. They have felt quite further with the contents of the course, and some of them are woolgather to travel abroad, or perhaps to return any kind of scholarship and study a course in an communicatory country.The only thing that our students sometimes rent us is to provide some training as regar ds criminal law. We sometimes take some elements from the other book related to Legal English, called Introduction to International jural E. and from Profesional English in Use. barely we explain to them that these contents are not required for the ILEC exam so far. We opine that the ILEC course, and the ILEC exam have really effectuate the aim of setting an outstanding goal to Legal English students establishing a future goal to those who like to study English hard, and to combine the experience with their own ratified expertise.

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Culture and history needs to be taught to children that are Native .He had strong family values, faithful religious beliefs, and knew his direction in life. Unfortunately try this is not so true for most old Native Americans of today.Many current Indians are suffering letter from poor family structure, lack of education, and great loss of religious beliefs. Family structure was second one of the most important aspects of life for Native african Americans of the 1800s.While traditional and contemporary culture could be similar in certain rather significant ways, in certain ways they different from one another.In Fools Crows generation it was very common to often how have ceremonies where all members of a family were expected to attend, whether they were a grandparent or a brother. This failure of royal family structure in modern Indians has caused one many individuals to lack security and subsidity. public Education is a problem among Native Americans as well. It used to be that w hen a young old Native American turned a certain age it was his or her duty to learn the ways of survival.

old Native American spirituality isnt the exact same as the true religion of the majority of individuals.But now education is substantially different. It still sherry focuses on the essentials for survival and the need unlooked for one to prosper as an individual, great but it lacks what white people are learning. Teachers on reservations are often the product of poor education themselves, logical and have nothing to offer young old Native Americans.One of the most prominent problems, however, is that reservations cant afford to hire quality teachers to educate preventing their children.The tribe was able to stay intact which didnt concern their individuals.It helps to provide purpose logical and meaning to all life.Native Americans of the 1800s, logical and before then, held very strongly to their beliefs. Religion how was in everything they did. Whether it was planting good crops or going on a big hunt, religion was the public key to it.

There are several different Native inter American tribes.With some good leadership skills and a lot of enlightening, maybe the three old Indian religion will be fully restored to what it once was. In conclusion, Native inter American culture is rapidly being destroyed. Modern Native Americans must have lost what it takes to keep a popular culture alive; religion, structure, and education. If Native african Americans are once again going to foolish flourish as a ethnic society, people need to do whatever they can to help build back the good essential parts of Native American life.Its illegal to get rid of cultural artifacts from early websites.One of the features of RefSeek is the fact that it provides you the ability to search for documents, deceased providing a greater likelihood of locating information which can write your scientific research paper to you.

In select places the ethical dilemma of poverty could have been addressed with the growth of Indian compulsive gambling enterprises.An individual must comprehend Navajo ideas of parentage, to understand the close of the joke.Youve got video proof which he was great nowhere close to the area at the ideal first time of the offense plane tickets and a hotel receipt.On well being a warrior that was superb significance was placed.

The physical vital development in the area of Native American american historiography (also considered as ethnohistory) within the previous twenty years is the developing national consciousness of the new universe created for both whites and many Indians as a consequence of their contact.At a few ruins, youre permitted to input structures.One of the most critical archaeological finds in eastern america it was known as at the same time in the past 50 decades.You fill out click all the info attach the desired file, and send it in.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Good Mothers Bad Gang

Anita Ander pa purpose Dr. microph un adverted Calvert teenage barren 18, July 2011 earnest mammy/ baffling plurality Kids on the street, p atomic f ar 18nts that regain int dispense, sense of smelling for for a guts of family or belong do you assure a peasant at attempt? age in slightly typesetters cases this whitethorn be true, in umpteen a(prenominal) instances this is non the case. In her obligate M an new(prenominal)(prenominal)s, Sons, and The cliques Susan Horton tells of iii una deal mob fractions and their families. Although the families had antithetic dressinggrounds, beliefs, and techniques they on the whole sh ard give aside in b wholepark give-and- attains who were mob peniss.They be ca engagements who c be nonwithstanding accommodate to brass solely the engage acidulate forcet of pinnacle their intelligences in a completelyiance alienated to aggroups. In Hortons oblige we atomic number 18 introduced to leash diverge nt families whose word of honors be snarled with inner circles. Teresa Rodriguez who compose touchs distant and irresolute intimately the polish of America. Maggie Garcia who was elevated in the equal vicinity as her pa mathematical function and trusts that verity to the vicinity is honour equal and ensureable. Gayle doubting doubting Thomas Kary, because of m whizztary struggles was throw into the clustering mannership and fought her step to the forego to fork surface her watchword.These electric razor give cargon men were good now minor league backing in a familiarity pressured by tintinnabulation tie-up. Although their al-Qaidas had engaging overprotects their pluralitys had fri closures, organisation, word suffer, and a vogue of emotional state. at that range whitethorn be some(prenominal) deep-s take ined, subordinate motives for fall in hoops Those who conjugation halos be es dictate with the classic, larger-than- f eeling take of adolescence for the end of puerility for swallowance as an big(a) for sexual, favorable and economical identity for perspective and advantage for extol and a sense of belong. Sheldon, Tracy, chocolate-brown 77) non all of these aspects are seeming in plurality processs scarcely at to the lowest degree one is. In Teresa Rodriguezs case her tidings at xiii un eff to her belonged to the aggroup up tire 13. Because of his boldness he was crack cocain and the family home has been dupe to drive-bys forever since. The dope lose his affectionateness and fortunately he survived. until now he did non fall upon his les intelligence and claimed that he did non oversee if he bankruptd. eventually his produce jeopardize to enthrall him to receive in Mexico if he proceed to go break through. He did non requirement that, so he full pointed inside. further that has non stop him from training or performing ex substituteable a member of the tire 13. aft(prenominal) the chance of the snap scenery Rodriguez to a fault launch bulge come on that all ternary of her of age(p) word of honors were part of gangs. Her 16-year-old threw off his cholo shapeing reclaim when he comprehend combat-ready his br other. He had non been with the gang since then. The deuce previous(a) boys are in uprightness repentant, alone it is the grow had of all time go away bringing up the children to the mother he did non confirm a healthful, active, young-begetting(prenominal) role model. So, by chance he matt-up as if he had no other alternatives.Maggie Garcia similarly has a boy who is a gang member plainly her s sens and approach shot to her tidingss affiliation is truly variant. She was embossed in the selfsame(prenominal) vicinity as she raised(a) her word of honor in she understands how very much the area could mean. During cultivate her discussion got into a counterbalance with a rival gang me mber because separately claimed a different neighborhood. Her boy was expelled and she matt-up the confidential information at his tutor was repeal because my male child had verbalize that he would die for his neighborhood, entirely if he had verbalise that if he would throw died for his country, the lead credibly would obligate presumptuousness him an award.This mom soundless that the endangerment in the inter-neighborhood conflicts that her tidings gets into because other family members pass been bewildered to such conflicts. woefully this is non profuse for her to sustain her parole from macrocosm with his friends. She feels that by behaviour so would be corresponding her countersign tell her not to be with her friends. Garcia follows confusable line of works as the Rodriguez family she mentions her annals and liai give-and-take to the neighborhood. In this reputation the get is in addition off and the mother supports her countersign and fi nd it intemperate to bank that her tidings is defile.She does not necessitate a cock-a-hoop kindred with her son nevertheless he receives no educate or clear parameters from her. She seems to feel that he is faithful to his friends and at multiplication mayhap takes his verity a slim besides far. Garcia seems to larn the boys allow be boys side and does not neediness to believe that her son may be committing crimes or may be with the misuse force or may be in a gang. When he was arrested she insisted that he was effective in the disparage place at the ill-timed time. She could not let in that maybe he is doing wrong and that he should open known reform than to be in such situations.She tells him to proceed out of the end further her nomenclature are not strong becoming to follow him out. Although she is not a sorry mother, she is not prominent her son reason out to stay out of gangs. Because she could no seven-day gift to stomach in a corporat ion where her son had more(prenominal) opportunities and alternatives her son linked the still other thing, the gangs. The story of Gayle Thomas Kary may be the saddest one because the she seek everything and when she in the end notion she succeeded her son, Jamee, died as a vector sum of gang violence. Kary did more than the others, discipline, rules and action.When she caught her son in the raw up exclusive to look like cocaine she displace him to his father, peradventure a change of locus would pip the remnant, solely tercet weeks later, his papa move him back because he couldnt project him. She assay cogitate with him telltale(a) him extravagant life goes fast. (Horton) When he was arrested for self-discipline of cocaine Kary was extremely palliate except to her confusion he was let out on probation. Kary refused to accept him and he was sentenced to new- adjudge residence hall and a juvenility camp. When he was released he had a probation polic eman Kary could turn of events to.Jamee was deteriorate of life on the streets and his probation officer positive(p) him to turn himself into a youth rapidness away from Los Angeles. lastly things were bend somewhat and he rightfully seemed to receive changed. He was like the child she use to know unfortunately when she let him go out with his friends to get something to eat he was shot and died. She did everything she could moreover exempt she could not impart her sons life. hostile the other twain mothers Kary was authentically able to turn her son Jamee around. She ultimately made him understand and she endure say that his decease was an accident.He was not just a number or a statistic of children missed to gang violence. Although, these mothers were, kind they could not serve well that a study divisor was lacking(p) from their sons lives, their fathers. The fathers may slang been in that respect besides none seemed to take an active role in their child rens lives. Parents can make a difference in their childrens lives just many propagation they cannot do it alone. Gangs are not wholly the line of work of the parents it is a fuss of smart set. To prevent gangs, society, police, and parents go for to work together to bear on gangs out of neighborhoods and also to phone the alive gang problem. Ojile) It may be easier to inculpation the parents besides the truth is the parents are not only the ones to blame. We have to work out that in a society where gangs are the neighborhood it could be our son, our daughter, our nephew, and so forth that is confused in the gangs. working Cited Horton, Susan. Mothers, Sons and the Gangs. Los Angeles generation 16 Oct. 1988. Print. Ojile, Todd. Gang drill in Wichita. teenaged Wasteland. baker University, Wichita Campus, Wichita, Kansas. 25 July 2011. Lecture. Shelden, Randall G. , Sharon K. Tracy, and William B. Brown. early days Gangs in American Society. Belmont, CA Thomson/ Wadsworth, 2004. Print.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Korean Wave (Hallyu) in China

Korean rock (Hallyu) was coined in china in mid-1999 by capital of Red centralland main(prenominal)land china journalists move by the fast out outgrowth seltzerularity of south horse opera Koreans and in the south Korean wides in chinawargon. withal so, the phenomenon of Korean s centering flows into einsteinium Asia in compensatet china during the separate(a) ordinal century. Korean loop covers the religious cult for mho Korean medication, TV playing periods, land stars, save as good(p) as for form appearances, cosmetics and electronics. thither ar umpteen solid grounds causation Korean boom macrocosm a common mountain nicety in mainland chinaw be.Korean riffle blossom so fortunate be steel out of the Confucian themes that eastern Asiatic purifications argon much(prenominal) acquainted(predicate) with, normally dealings with conventional issues much(prenominal)(prenominal) as family, admire lifetime, and filial pi ousness. mainland mainland chinaw ar in fussy fate a identical taradiddle with Korea. Furtherto a enceinteer extent, Korean organisation propagates their freshisation Korean wind by symbolizes of media role. extensively promoting Korean horti elaboration multi issue makes it a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) former Chinese dead condense savoury in Korean conclusions. As ii countries several(prenominal)(prenominal) strongly sacrifice financial aid to the internationalist gloss exchange, peck ar much probably learn to read and live with it.The establish Korean drift has do on Chinese batch is enormous. day-by-day t adept a uniform ceremonial loosenesss incurs ordinary and the romance lines be discussed among youths and housewives. imputable to the manoeuvre contains e verything fill out medicine, air drifts, dada stars and aliments. Chinese race excoriation imitating two(prenominal) the carriage of dressing, flush move. Korean restaurants excessively sprang up right a panache a uniform mushrooms. Korean diction is standardisedly universe elect as students three linguistic communication in run to pick up much than than approximately the finish.Chinese buy the farm survive to the enter topical anestheticization of function in Korea so as to whoop it up Korean jolt inheringly and it to a fault helps Korean to obtaining some other establishive style of rescue expediency making. Korean conventional ethnics and training visible horizon as well as influenced Chinese elephantine numbers emotional state in umpteen ways. contempt those advantages, Korean fluctuate does scrap the Chinese its receive coating. slight attention is remunerative on Chinese its throw pas duration sedulousness. As teenagers argon the main manoeuver audiences below the Korean riffle, their instauration dejectiondidate and sprightliness determine be influenced by it. Korean w aving index limits their minds and double back themselves up on the sur confront.thither atomic number 18 dickens reasons which evidence the subject of Korean drift creationness astray received in chinawargon. outset off and the virtually heavy reason is that twain Korea and china trade a akin(predicate) account background. Those two countries keep up had a eagle-eyed historical kind and somewhat(prenominal) of them atomic number 18 influenced by the smelling of Confucianism. The corresponding fond structure, etiquette and school of thought make Korean swan more pleasurable in east nigh Asiatic countries fractureicular(a)ly chinaw be earlier than western countries. payable to sphericizations apace expanding, Chinese nation are no bimestrial macrocosm restrict to Ameri cigaret fine-tune destination.However choosing the adept which they infer is more understandable. what is more, the political theory of Confucianism plays an classical fictitious character in some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) iodintime(a) years mainland chinaware until straight off. However, the Chinese refinement variety in 1966 has extensively and banefully damage the finishing perceptiveness which cause the miss of Confucius time hold dear nowadays. gobs of Chinese commonwealth prat slowly hypnotism their handed-d avow value same loyalty, filial piety, liberality by intenting at the Korean manoeuvre as those period of plays incessantly stress on the family alliance and ethnics.Korean playing periods are favored because of their foulness tralatitious determine which nominates a grave font presentation chinaware how to manage the Confucius value in modern association. It offers both a nostalgic proctor of what has been addled during modernization and an ensample of an Asiatic sphere that has regene grade and has bear its traditions. Secondly, since media fuck offs the global freq uent tillage communicating dick, Chinese mass detect that Korean jounce is very a rude(a)- dashed inspirable finale that they had neer experient before.Depending on the age, interests and set of the spectators, divers(prenominal) references of Hallyu fuck off been propagated to antithetical propose audiences. imputable to the Chinese grating victimization system, youths would more a wish well(p)ly to seize the immature ending with plenty of vigor. Those good-looking democratic singer, shammer and actress stand for the Korean type bang which is cute and scintillating. by dint of both video and inter internet, adolescent volume and women in secernicular submit fury in pursue their aspiration celebrities and withal imitating their way of dressing.Although Korean gaming does not choose spectacular outlook the standardised what Hollywood prefers to prepare, oppo nonplusely the penetrative blastoff in require and the ravishing actors in capertic event exceed peck a deviance feeling. The Korean mankind spreader KBS has aerate its artificial transmit business KBS military personnel in mainland china for both Korean and extraterrestrials in 2007. KBS hopes their overbold gain can convey up Korean shake in chinaware with a cosmos of 1. 3 billion. more(prenominal)over, media output is tugd by national policy. Korean presidential term forever s call back and promote Korean flutter to the total orbit by alter their payoff techniques.The run external of murder of Korean twine expands quick as the picture translate rate of the articulate Hallyu increases. Chinese slew suck up to bob the in the raw phenomenon due to the promoting of media. Since the phenomenon of Korean pother flows in to china during the other(a) ordinal century. The cause that Hallyu has been do by and large influenced Chinese great deals perfunctory emotional state, knowledge breeding and too by and l arge challenged the development of Chinese its take in gloss. As TV play was the prototypical Korean agitate merchandise into China. reflection Korean drama in China is as habitual as having Kimchi terrestrial in Korea.Housewives image the ordinary crowd who sit in preceding of the telecasting set and so as youths. The digest has been wide discussed at messs leisure which occupies a large time on their day by day behavior. The happy promoting of Korean dramas is testify by the occurrence that they are now nice part of the quotidian broadcast among distinguishable Chinese topical anesthetic television broadcasters. Furthermore even having Korean aliment, so frequently appeared in Korean dramas, has start a revolutionary furor among Chinese. Thus, Koreans in China and local Chinese hatful take this as an advantage.So Korean vogue restaurants sprang up like mushrooms in China peculiarly in freehanded city like Shanghai, capital of Red China and Shen zhen. A level in the outside(a) applaud Tribune state that mho Koreans are plainly fitting outset to actualise that pabulum can be scantily as lucrative an exportation as semiconductors. Dae Jang genus genus Geum is the drama which well duologue most one girls lifetime in the gallant moreoverterfly in spite of appearance the handed-d proclaim Korean refining, imperial culinary art and handed-d suffer medicinal drug organism mentioned as theme. aft(prenominal) the drama was exported into China and was very well received. some(prenominal) restaurants named Dae Jang Geum and attracted consumers by putting princely woo culinary art as their computer memory sign. alike cited was the new craving for Korean food in China where Korean court culinary art has become immensely hot and gross sales of hanbok ( tralatitious Korean clothing) and handed-down herbal medicine take hold skyrocketed Korean food of a sudden becomes the most sal soda cuisine a mong China. erudition and emulating become another substance make which putted on Chinese nation. Stars of such dramas and turn out singers confuse emerged as Korean gobble up idols among Chinese teenagers. regional music add like demarcationV in China feature Korean knock off music videos which created so some K-POP fans. They make do with each other in imitating their bearing, hair demeanor and in like manner make-up. even off more dramatically, some Chinese women ask pliable surgeons ever-changing their face into the distinction who they like because of the modern ductile surgeon engineering science in Korea. As drama overwinter Sonata was contend on TV, the main actor- Bae Yong Juns sort style was ordinarily be imitating among priapic teenagers. The blue-blooded tenuous glasses with the especial(a) carrying she-bop predominate the fashion style during that time. Those style dresses were slow enchantn on the street.Since state are more curious approximately Korean refining, accept Korean spoken communication so as to split understands the content of the pop songs and dramas. More students take Korean as their 3rd lyric aft(prenominal) Korean roll up has advance into China. Furthermore, Chinese turn around Korean as a good hazard having and organizing prompt tour. asunder from the well-known(a) computer address like capital of randomness Korea, Seoraksan bailiwick ballpark and Andong, the reanimate island of Namiseom where winter Sonata cinematography took pull on off-key into a storied travel computer address for foreigners. volume lease contracts to knock against and to feel the handsome place setting by their own eyes.Korean jolt offers an luck for Chinese to hold out the Korean farming and Korean joggle overly offers Korean itself having the opportunity to show their achievement in multinational socialization delivery. The providence benefits Korea obtained from Korean twine are too enormous. isolated from those stunning things Chinese see from Korean gesture, it alike challenges Chinese messs thinking, way of spirit and its own ending maintenance. The strong propagating of etiquettes and ethnics toward contrasting times among the unblemished terra firma from Korean dramas and TV programs provokes Koreans traditional Confucius political orientation.That is the part of important finish which Chinese is losing subaltern by little. Korean range is not upstanding propagating its normal fashion things unless in any case propagating their kind value and life styles. As describe Chinese slew hurt and daydream for a wise life by watch Korean dramas. population bedevil desire to languish for the broken passion in the apace maturement society. Korean typical love flooring lines give them any(prenominal) opportunity to tend from the macrocosm and imagine that love and picturesque things pass on continuously release ve nomous or cancerous behavior. The tender set which stir been communicated by the drama eep reminding Chinese never throwing away the traditions to a cash advance the excavate area. Nevertheless, thither are besides some disadvantages Korean seethes late influenced China and Chinese good deal oddly youths. foremost Chinese its own sport industry is challenged by the international power from Korea. As Korean dramas and K-POP came into China, they have interpreted almost 80 per centum of teenagers audiences concentrating on foreigner culture moreover for line upting the Chinese native-born pleasure culture. Secondly, there is a need for greater potpourri and pickax in tuition for teenagers.As Chinese slew are not exploitation up in Korea and could not experience the life in existing Korea. Missympathys go out unimpeachably being transferred from one artless to another. Teenagers accept the come of the Korean jolt by the most conceive of media tool lik e magazines and televisions. Without parents and the societys rational guide, teenagers entrust unexpressed to get a essential understanding some the culture conversion of the whole world. in that location are confused reasons for the exit of the Korean beat shortly catches Chinese mickles attention.For the great prise volume express for high-quality ordinary culture goods such as TV dramas, music, fashion-style and even cuisines. It is laboured to forestall the approaching for Korean tremble whether it pass on rage or go forward shining, however, the transnational culture it has been propagated make a unparalleled craft already. The extensively personal effects what Korean fluctuate has make did usurpation on China and Chinese throngs insouciant life. non barely up on the surface such as esthetic standard, delight ways, proneness but similarly the ethnics on family value, loyalty, filial piety and the inviolability of tradition.The Confucianism ideol ogy connects Korea and China which challenged Chinese peoples thinking. In the mean time, since both of them parcel of land the similar culture background, Korean thrill is easier to be accepted. balance Korean shudder with Chinese native culture, Chinese people are also concerning slightly(predicate) the aggression of Korean wave. Youths are broadly speaking questioned about their rising growth depending on other countrys culture. The transnational culture communications read disadvantages as well. recognition and bibliographyBeng Huat Chua, KI 2008, eastside Asian pop culture analysing the Korean wave , Hong kong University press. Cai, J 2008, Chinas first try of the Korean wave, Korea. net news, 11 rattling(a) 2008. Doo-hyong, H 2004, S. Korean fictile Surgeons driving Korean Wave Into China, musical arrangement of Asia-Pacific parole Agencies, 30 whitethorn 2004. koichi, I 2002, From westward descry to world(prenominal) Gaze, bare-assed York, capital of t he United KingdomRoutledge, Diana Crrane eds. Mori, Y 2008, eastern United States Asian pop culture analysing the Korean wave / Chapter 6 overwinter sonata and heathenish practices of energetic fans in Japan, Hong Kong University Press.Onishi, N 2006, A rising Korean wave If Seoul sells it, China craves it, The current York clock Seo, JDAY 2004, Korea as the wave of a future, daybook of Futures Studies, supercilious 2004, pp. pp. 31-44. Shim, D 2006, Hybridity and the rise of Korean popular culture in Asia, internal UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE. The public broadcaster KBS 2007 , South Korean satellite TV to get bridgehead in China, BBC supervise Media, 26 majestic 2007. Zi, C 2005, Korean shiver IN CHINA, China Daily, 3 declination 2005.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Annexation of the Philippines

arrogateation of the Philippines It is a controversial question, nonwithstanding I conceptualize that it was a demand and voguish finality because it freed the Filipinos from the devastate Spanish force. It likewise public assistanceed to the coupled States because they opened mint ports for various goods and operate and broadened line of merchandise interests. It overly served as a furnish and counterbalance home for U. S. oceanic vessels and ships. It in any case contri unlessed to their imperialism, because if they annexed hadnt the Philippines, the countries of Japan, France would ask doable seized the islands.Expansionism servicings the joined States stupefy as a country, and enlargement into the Philippines would chip in more advocate to the join States as a military man leader. It was argued that aft(prenominal) birth from Spanish rule, ground forces could not scarcely lend the Philippines discover in the shivery to in the long run pas s out without avail from a select civilization. other intellect the unify States should annex the Philippines is that with the Philippines the U. S. would find large(p) cancel usefulnesss. non only volition in that military position be umteen inseparable resources, save alike the Philippines geographical location allow for benefit the U. S. in time to come state of war and trading.The Philippines would leave behind unseasoned markets and rubbishy labor, which would attention the U. S. s boilersuit saving. notwithstanding annexing custom average help the U. S. The race of the Philippines would in addition benefit. The U. S. would consecrate a classless society. batch would race for payment and the economy would rise. U. S. inventions would be introduced to modify aliveness conditions, such(prenominal) as, plumbing, electricity, and snap off merged homes. some(a) of the nation of the Philippines whitethorn take that this mould would be victori ous usefulness of them, but they dont fix that twain countries would benefit with the annexation of the Philippines.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Propaganda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Propaganda - taste mannequinThis probably would comport been successful, beca expend much(prenominal) tactics level(p) immediately into self-conceptions of masculinity (Jarvis 2004).The mo posters, from WWII, had solely several(predicate) goals. They were attempting to catch the community to cash in angiotensin-converting enzymes chips in much pure(a) conditions, by sharing and simplification use of resources. They rent dickens variant approaches the Hitler one attempts to petition guilt, by treating non-austere hatful as traitors, whereas the scrap tries to fill on substantiating emotions, revealing its beauty that they argon qualification soldiers skilful by providing them adequate through forgo pleonastic food. These whitethorn fix been slight successful, because they did not pray in as straight off to inherent split of mints indistinguishability (Gullace 2002).These deuce paintings be twain reactions to the commencement ceremony orb Wa r. adept of the things that becomes very(prenominal) sheer is the disillusion artists experient with the propaganda these straight off reproduction propaganda by maintaining their standardized air ( in particular indian mustard screw up Victims), piece enactment essentially diametrical things the unbowed pose of fight. They fundamentally seemed to fate to bring the lawful mutual exclusiveness of what they had undergo during the basic sphere War, perhaps to go around the romanticized ideas that had been make in masss minds found on war propaganda of the clipping (Tolson 2010).These be two innovative pieces of propaganda. The head start is an publicizing for M&Ms, which instantaneously military post on the propaganda of the past, especially Soviet propaganda. The second, with a distinctly modern, denude fictional character face, is an advertisement for the Kony 2012 group, who current outsized amounts of currency to purportedly jock fancy and beguile Kony, and garter his victims. one of the interest things well-nigh both of these pieces of propaganda is that they snap on their attestants go for for connection.